The ‘Big Class’ racing on film in 1899

The Big Class on film 1899

Check out this page about the ‘Big Class’ and a striking piece of film of three GL Watson-designed racing yachts competing in 1899.

While you’re there do take a look around the Peggy Bawn Press website – there are some very nice looking books on sale!

Britannia Rules – a super half hour film about the Big Class and the J Class eras

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Brittania Rules

Britannia Rules – a cracking little programme now available from Channel Four’s on-demand 4OD gizmo

Don’t miss out on this – if you haven’t already done so, find half an hour in your programme to sit down and watch this cracking little half-hour documentary about Britannia, the Big Class and finally the J Class.

If you’re outside the UK, I fear you may not be able to see it, but it really is a super half hour of telly even if it is on a computer screen. There are several programmes here that seem to be worth watching, and I’ll report further at some point.

Britannia Rules:

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