Just as we in the UK are starting to feel summer’s on its way, Jeff Cole has sent me some photos from this year’s Inverloch Classic Dinghy Regatta.
This Australian event looks as if it might be the summeriest thing in the world, so I hope it will spread some cheer. With any luck, something a bit like this is what we have to look forward to.
If you’re looking at the water and thinking there’s something going on in the water ahead of 252, you’re right – it’s a fierce tidal current running at 7 knots.
Jeff – pictured with both his yellow-decked Sailfish dinghy and his Macgregor sailing canoe – says that his participation sailing the Sailfish has triggered a revival in what was previously a long dead class. The class is registered, has regular race schedules, and plans are being sent all over the world at a rate of two a week.
‘I think it’s because its so simple to build, handle and store,’ he says. ‘But getting the hang of sailing it is another matter!’
I think I see what he means!
Thanks for the photos one again Jeff!

Gavin do you know anyone who knows anything about radio control historic model 3 foot long pirate galleons
Cheers Ian
I’m sorry, but I don’t.
Good luck with whatever you’re hoping to do!