Swale photos… I’ve got to get them off my chest so here they are!

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Smacks in Faversham Creek

Rather like the way a bundle of unexpected money can burn a hole in one’s pocket, for several days these photos have been nagging me to put them up. They’re scenes from a day’s sailing around the Swale, as locals will immediately know, and I hope they provide some interest and entertainment before we get back to the usual intheboatshed.net menu!

Thames barge Repertor

Homes at Shellness, Isle of Sheppey

North shore of the Isle of Sheppey

‘Receptive’ buoy at the southern end of Horse Sand

A fisherman in the Swale

Jetskis playing in the wake of an enormous
Forgive them, Oh Lord, for they
know not what they do… I guess they were
having fun, but their noise and disturbance
shook my teacup and rattled the teeth I was
trying to use to eat cake!

Tom Naismith’s Sandpiper wins the Water Craft Boatbuilding Awards 2008

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Laurent Giles-designed Sandpiper wins the Watercraft Boat Building Awards

Tom Naismith’s Laurent Giles-designed Sandppiper Surprise
won the Water Craft Awards at the Beale Park Thames Boat
Show this year. As usual, click on the photo for a
much larger image

Finally, we have the boat that won the Water Craft Boatbuilding Awards for this year – Tom Naismith’s striking Laurent Giles-designed Sandpiper, which he has named Surprise.

Although only 20ft on deck, she’s clearly a big boat for her length, and Tom reports that she took seven years and £20,000 to build.

Sandpiper is the big sister to the smaller Sanderling – and the even smaller but much better known Jolly Boat. I think Tom deserves a prize just for completing her, but I hope she now gets some serious use, as I’m sure she makes a comfortable little ship.

By the way, I notice that there’s an 18ft version for sale at Boats & Outboards, and there’s also a picture of one of these boats on the Classic Marine site.

The Hudson folding boat floats!

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The Hudson folding boat floats

Hudson folding boat at Beale Park Thames Boat Show, photographed
by Chris Perkins

The amazing Hudson folding boat floats! I hadn’t realised it was in a condition to do so, but these folks look suitably relaxed and dry for a trip on the River Thames.

Many thanks to our kind friend Chris Perkins for the photograph, and for the news that Mr Hudson’s invention still works well! It’s an interesting shape for a tender too, don’t you think?

Follow the link for more intheboatshed.net posts on the Hudson folding boat.