How did Hudson meet his end?

In 1611 mutineers set British explorer Henry Hudson adrift in James Bay in a 20-30ft shallop with eight loyal crew following an attempt to find the North West Passage. They were skilled mariners and had stores and gear (or so the mutineers said) but were never seen again, and no trace has been found. So … Continue reading “How did Hudson meet his end?”

Sailing barge Ceres carries cargoes on the Hudson

Ceres is a recently built craft trading non-perishable food goods up and down the Hudson river. As many British readers will instantly see, she’s a home-built boat modelled on Thames sailing barges of the past, and has the flat ‘swim’ head that sailing barges had some two centuries ago. Read all about how a carpenter-turned-farmer started up … Continue reading “Sailing barge Ceres carries cargoes on the Hudson”

Hudson folding dinghy for sale

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Hudson folding dinghy Dave Eastwood has a Hudson folding dinghy for sale and says he is looking for offers in excess of £250 – which seems modest for such a nice collector’s piece. I’d like to think someone – or some museum – will be keen to preserve this boat. For a previous … Continue reading “Hudson folding dinghy for sale”