Faversham painter artist Derek Cox to show his work at the Fleur de Lys

The exhibition will feature paintings of boats, barges, coastal craft, ships and other vessels with a strong connection with Faversham.

The show is part of a long-term project to bring together information about the nearly 4,000 vessels that have been, and those that continue to be, directly connected with Faversham. 

This includes those either registered at Faversham or built or repaired in the town, or were owned or captained by Faversham people.

The show is part of a long-term project to bring together information about the vessels connected with the town, and Derek intends to publish a series of illustrated books and a DVD.

Faversham Society talk: VIC 56 – A steamship’s journey 7.30pm 25th March at the Fleur Hall

VIC56. Picture source: https://www.geograph.org.uk/more.php?id=5531907

VIC56 is an 85 foot steamship constructed in 1945 as part of the wartime shipbuilding programme, and now preserved in working order by a small group of volunteers.

She is technically a steam coasting lighter or a ‘puffer‘and is one of 98 victualling inshore craft built to the orders of the Ministry of War Transport between 1941 and 1945, as part of the enormous Government wartime ship-building programme.

VIC 56 was one of two puffers built by Pollocks of Faversham.

Henry Cleary, the owner of VIC56, will be coming to speak about the boat at a Faversham Society open evening. With efforts going on to create a Heritage Harbour here in Faversham, now is a good time to consider whether VIC56 should come home to Faversham.

The Faversham Creek Trust is a member of the Heritage Harbour Group and the Bridge Steering Group and is working to regenerate Faversham’s Maritime Heritage.

Kids building Julie skiffs at Faversham – a film by Richard Fleury


I think this speaks for itself. Plans for the Julie skiff are available from the plans page of this website.