BBA student class of September 2011 launch their boats despite wind and rain

Principal Yvonne Green has kindly sent over this photo from the latest Boat Building Academy student launch day, at which the rain clearly failed to stop play.

Here’s what she says:

‘It rained, and rained, and rained, and then at 2.30 it stopped and, while the sun didn’t exactly come out, it wasn’t wet and it wasn’t cold. It was still a bit breezy, but I don’t think people would have noticed a downpour once the boats started going into the water.

‘It was a brilliant day, and they have been a brilliant group.’

The photo show the view from Yvonne’s office window just before the boats went down to the Cobb – that’s the local name for the massively built and ancient westward wall of Lyme Harbour, and the FaceBook video link shows a Looe hire boat restored by BBA students being overtaken by instructor Justin Adkin and student Shane Newcombe riding on board Shane’s Tiny Might built to plans provided by Glen L, and fitted with an engine from a jetski.

Tiny Might video

A hydroplane at the Beale Park Boat Show

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Outboard hydroplane Twirler at the Beale Park Boat Show

The exhibition at the Beale Park Boat Show features quite a few veteran motor boats of various kinds, and last year it included this little plywood hydroplane.

I was struck by just suited to home-building a boat like this must be. While it isn’t very big, complicated or expensive to build, it must deliver a heck of a lot of fun in a small package – and other water users won’t automatically assume you’ll behave like a selfish oaf, as they do when they see a group of jetskis coming their way.

I notice that there are various plans for hydroplanes available, but I’d guess that these plans at the Svenson site look pretty useful: Yellow Jacket

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Swale photos… I’ve got to get them off my chest so here they are!

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Smacks in Faversham Creek

Rather like the way a bundle of unexpected money can burn a hole in one’s pocket, for several days these photos have been nagging me to put them up. They’re scenes from a day’s sailing around the Swale, as locals will immediately know, and I hope they provide some interest and entertainment before we get back to the usual menu!

Thames barge Repertor

Homes at Shellness, Isle of Sheppey

North shore of the Isle of Sheppey

‘Receptive’ buoy at the southern end of Horse Sand

A fisherman in the Swale

Jetskis playing in the wake of an enormous
Forgive them, Oh Lord, for they
know not what they do… I guess they were
having fun, but their noise and disturbance
shook my teacup and rattled the teeth I was
trying to use to eat cake!