Updated Mylne registers now online

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Mylne Design homepage

The 2010 editions of the Mylne Register of Yachts and Design List are available for download from the Mylne’s website http://www.mylne.com.

A catalogue of drawings by Alfred Mylne and his Mylne company colleagues  available to buy is in the design section of the website, which is available through a free registration gizmo.

While you’re there, there’s also a free download of the Milne Classic Regatta 2009 programme, a gallery of photos, and a fantastic piece of film of many of Mylne’s classic designs including the Royal Yacht Brittannia, Thendara, Iyruna, Audifax, Shamrock V, Tigris, Panope and Veronica.

Revitalised Mylne company digitises drawings and seeks owners

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A Mylne 1st

Alfred Mylne the First

David Gray of Ace Marine has written a nice letter to intheboatshed.net:

‘Dear Sir:

‘I have had a look at your website and it looks terrific. I thought it might be appropriate to let you know about the business of A Mylne & Co, the oldest yacht design business in the world that has never ceased production. We took it over last April, and have launched a website at www.mylne.com.

We are anxious to contact owners of any Mylne-designed yacht.

We are also digitising the entire archive of 10000 drawings and over 400 designs such that they can be readily searched and accessed by enthusiasts for restoration or new build.

‘Best regards and happy new year for 2008

‘David Gray’

So there it is. If you have a Mylne yacht, you know what to do. If you don’t, just go and look – there are some very elegant craft to be seen in the gallery. I should add that the new Mylne team includes Ian Nicolson, no less.

To whet your appetite, here’s a quote from the History section of the Mylne site: Continue reading “Revitalised Mylne company digitises drawings and seeks owners”