Why don’t you learn to swim Grandad?


‘Why don’t you learn to swim Grandad?’

‘It just prolongs the agony boy.’

In the first of two videos from Cornish Voices (via the Looe Maritime Archive) two ex-fishermen Ken and Tony Pengelly talk about falling in the harbour and about fishing down there, and reveal some old fashioned attitudes to the sea and swimming.

Did you know that congers make a barking noise that sounds like a dog?

And here AJ Pengelly – (perhaps their grandfather – it’s not clear) talks about racing the huge J-class racer Shamrock V in the 1930 America’s Cup and  crossing the Atlantic in her. She doesn’t sound at all comfortable!


Updated Mylne registers now online

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Mylne Design homepage

The 2010 editions of the Mylne Register of Yachts and Design List are available for download from the Mylne’s website http://www.mylne.com.

A catalogue of drawings by Alfred Mylne and his Mylne company colleagues  available to buy is in the design section of the website, which is available through a free registration gizmo.

While you’re there, there’s also a free download of the Milne Classic Regatta 2009 programme, a gallery of photos, and a fantastic piece of film of many of Mylne’s classic designs including the Royal Yacht Brittannia, Thendara, Iyruna, Audifax, Shamrock V, Tigris, Panope and Veronica.