Russian project to build a new Cutty Sark

Replica Cutty Sark project

A group based in Russia has emerged with plans to build a new, sailing Cutty Sark – and even more extraordinary plans to revive tea clipper racing. Read about the original Cutty Sark here.

I’m amazed and impressed, and hope it all works out!

The initiators are led by Captain Vladimir Martus, owner and builder of the Shtandart, a replica of Russia’s first naval vessel, which was built by Tsar Peter the Great in 1703, and was also named Shtandart. She was launched in 2000 and has sailed ever since – so I guess they know what they’re doing.

The plan is to lay the keel of the new vessel in 2017, and to launch the new Cutty Sark in 2019. As the site says, the first step is to acquire copies of as much documentation as possible to make it possible for the project to go ahead.

150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall

150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition

The Cutty Sark under repair in Falmouth Docks in about 1930

150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition 150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition 150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition

150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition 150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition 150 years of Falmouth Docks exhibition

British Realm, the first vessel to enter No 2 dry dock (Queen Elizabeth Dock) in May 1958; construction of No 4 dry dock 1928; dockyard worker cleaning sections of a tanker engine circa 1960; dockyard workers fitting new boiler tubes; major repairs to tanker circa 1950; workers removing the propeller from the 100,000 ton tanker British Admiral circa 1970. All photos courtesy of the David Barnicoat collection

A new exhibition celebrating the 150th anniversary of Falmouth Docks opened some days ago at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall.

Falmouth has been used as a harbour for over 2,000 years and the docks have been an industrial hub since their creation in the mid-19th century, and Falmouth senior pilot David Barnicoat and museum staff have worked together for months to create an exhibition including models, films, objects, paintings and photography.

Museum exhibitions development manager Milly Newman is particularly pleased to include a model of the docks. ‘In the heart of our exhibition is a beautiful model showing their scale and impact. It’s a real jewel amongst the many objects we have supporting the exhibition,’ she said.

‘Five generations of my family have worked at the docks. My great-grandfather helped build them, I worked in the fitting shop from the 1950s and my son works there today. You could say it’s in our blood,’ retired dock employee  Frank Eva said proudly.This exhibition not only tells the story of the docks but in some ways tells a part of my family’s and other family’s histories and I’m very proud it’s being celebrated.’

The exhibition will remain on show until the 30th March 2011.

Famous names at the 2008 Great River Race

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Kyle and friends pass by HMS Belfast in the Cutty Sark’s jolly boat –
as usual, click on the photo for a much larger image

The Victory’s cutter

Kyle Abingdon, who works on the Cutty Sark has sent me these photos with the following note. It’s great to see that while the old lady is undergoing some serious surgery, her jolly boat is still getting some use.

‘Hello there.

‘Great Site. I pass by a lot. Its right up on the top of my favorites list – I am always pleased to find lovely pictures and boats.

‘I thought you or somebody out there may like to see some half decent pictures of me and my team rowing in the Cutty Sark’s jolly boat, and also of the HMS Victory’s cutter during this years Great River Race just gone.

‘It was a great day out with lots of lovely mostly traditional boats.

‘All the best.

‘Kyle Abingdon’

Many, many thanks for your kind comments and for your pictures Kyle! It looks like a great day out.