To see the boats the students are building, click here.
To see the boats the students are building, click here.
Gavin Atkin's weblog for the sort of people who like looking inside boat sheds. It's about old boats, traditional boats, boat building, restoration, the sea and the North Kent Coast
Modern and plywood boatbuilding and plans
To see the boats the students are building, click here.
To see the boats the students are building, click here.
One of the skiffs built by school children at Faversham being powered along by an electric outboard.
The skiffs are built at Faversham Creek Trust’s Boat Camp to free plans available from
The skiffs were built under the tutelage of local boatbuilder Alan Thorne, who is also a supplier for electric outboards, folding RIBs and inflatable canoes. Call Alan on 07865 091155
I’m not a fisherman, but surely this inexpensive and quick little rig would surely be great for line fishing in and out of suitable creeks, rivers and lakes…
Tom Pamperin is an enthusiastic amateur boatbuilder, small boat cruiser and boating writer, and his book Jagular Goes Everywhere seems to get regular sales. Here’s a link to buy the book.
He’s just decided to donate funds from his book sales from now until the 9th April to Farley Boat Works, the local boatbuilding museum and sponsor of the annual Port Aransas plyWooden Boat Festival.
Here’s what he says:
‘The town was hit very hard by Hurricane Harvey, and I’d like to do what I can to help them recover. I’ve sailed the Texas coast a lot and made lots of good friends there, and I’d like to see the interest in wooden boats continue down there – they’ve had a good thing going on.’