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Lapstrake tender Little Breton, kids’ small sailing boat Flying Mouse (there are details for a rudder too!), and the Mouse-derived small rowing skiff Oarmouse
I’m very tickled this morning to hear from Kellan Hatch, who got in touch to deliver the news that some little boats I designed for home building a few years ago (the lapstrake tender Little Breton, the Flying Mouse and Oarmouse) have made it into Google’s SketchUp galleries. I think they’re a hoot – even if they aren’t very classic! Go to the Google 3DSketchUp gallery for more – I got these by searching on my own name, Gavin Atkin. I have to say that this is the first time following up my own name on the Internet has ever led me to unexpected nudity, but there’s a first time for everything.
The boat designs are available free from various places, including Continue reading “SketchUp models of some of my free boat designs”