A striking headstone in the churchyard at Walberswick, Suffolk


This photo of an outstanding gravestone in the churchyard  at Walberswick was taken shot by my bandmate and occasional Intheboatshed.net contributor Malcolm Woods.

The carving of what I think is a smack and waves is great, obviously, but I particularly like the puffy little clouds so characteristic of a good sailing day…

Thanks Malcolm!

Photos from a harbour stroll: Southwold and Walberswick

Southwold Harbour on the River Blythe and, on the opposite bank, Walberswick is a great place for a stroll, and it’s a delight to see so many well maintained traditional craft still in use, often for fishing.

Among other things, the photos in this gallery include:

  • Southwold Harbour itself and some of the local boats
  • the rowed ferry (the tide’s pretty fierce here, so the ferryman or woman has to pull well up-stream or up-tide to make it across)
  • the ferry operator’s shed
  • the village of Walberswick with its fishermen’s cottages and, right in the centre, its non-conformist chapel, which looks very much as if it was built in the 19th century way from standard parts ordered from a catalogue
  • in the Walberswick pub The Bell, a photo of local fisherman, singer of old fashioned and traditional song, and well remembered all-round character Dinks Cooper (see this earlier post)