Fishing off the East Anglian coast in 1954

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East Anglian Holiday
Who’s this old boy then? I wonder, was he a singer, a step dancer or a fiddle or melodeon as well as a film star? Does anyone have a story to tell?

It turns out that they do – check the comments below.

This 1954 colour travelogue put up by the British Film Institute begins innocently enough with lots of the usual material about attractions and seaside resorts – but in the second half there’s some terrific film of sea fishing from small boats in that era. Well worth a few minutes, I’d say.

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7 thoughts on “Fishing off the East Anglian coast in 1954”

  1. Gavin,

    Judy thinks that this may be Dinks Cooper, a Southwold fisherman; She will write direct to you; I have subscribed her so I do not have to keep sending her bits n pieces.

    You may like to acquire "The Story of the Southwold-Walberswick Ferry" by Dani Church, the current ferry woman, who took over from her father, and Ann Gander, a professional author with local knowkedge. – fascinating.

    I hope that your ankle is mending well and look forward to seeing you at Oare or Faversham soon.


    1. Great answer! Thanks for this.

      If Judy's right he was a singer recorded by the much missed Keith Summers. See this disk:

      I need to get a copy too. The Veteran tapes and CDs label run by John Howson had something from him too, but I don't think it's currently available.

      There's a picture of Dinks here in the online version of Keith's book:

      On the ankle, sadly I've got two months still to go before the casts finally come off and I learn to stand and walk unaided again. Julie deserves a medal…


  2. Gavin,

    Judy thinks that this may be Dinks Cooper, a Southwold fisherman; She will write direct to you; I have subscribed her so I do not have to keep sending her bits n pieces.

    You may like to acquire "The Story of the Southwold-Walberswick Ferry" by Dani Church, the current ferry woman, who took over from her father, and Ann Gander, a professional author with local knowkedge. – fascinating.

    I hope that your ankle is mending well and look forward to seeing you at Oare or Faversham soon.


    1. I'm quite sure it's Dinks Cooper – I picked up the point from your earlier message. I've found recordings of him on at the British Library, and mean to buy a CD with a couple of tracks of him singing.


      1. It is definitely Dinks Cooper. I am his youngest daughter and I still live in Walberswick

        Kate Goodchild

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