The Age of Sail

Made by Google, it’s CGI and it has a classic Hollywood storyline – but it’s 12 minutes of the cutest entertainment and along with authentic sound effects (they did a great job collecting their foley) it also features some great old songs. I wonder whether my grandson would like it…

Sam Larner, herring fisherman, talks and sings

Look what I’ve found! YouTubes in which Sam Larner, who spent his working life aboard drifters fishing for herring off the East Coast of Scotland and England, talks about his life and work, and sings the old songs. That particular fishery largely died out in the late 50s, so stand by to be fascinated, I say…

I love to listen to him, for his way of speaking reminds me strongly of my grandparents, who were also Eastern counties folk. For more posts mentioning Sam Larner, click here.

There’s also a bit of film of steam drifters under way and at work here: