Falmouth Quay punt Teal is being repaired and prepared for sale

Adrian Nowotynski has been in touch to share a link to his YouTube channel, which is bringing the story of the 1914 Falmouth Quay punt Teal back up to date, along with some more repairs that are now needed.

Here’s what he says:

It’s been ten years now since we bought her and seven since she went back afloat.

We have made the decision that once she is out sailing this spring we will be putting her on the market. It will be very hard to part with her, but hopefully if the right person comes along she can get the use she deserves.‘ 

Adrian will be video-logging his repairs over the coming months. More information about Teal, the advantures she’s had and the work he’s done on her can be found here.

If you’re interested in owning a small and well known classic boat from her era, drop me a line at gmatkin@gmail.com and I’ll put you in touch.

Restored Falmouth Quay punt Teal is sailing again!

Don’t you wish she was yours? Adrian Nowotynski has written to report on the progress of the century-old Falmouth Quay punt Teal, which is now back in the water and sailing again following her restoration of the boat at Hegarty’s Boatyard near Cork.

The fabulous photos were taken by Tim Cooke, who writes the weblog An Ilur in Ireland, and are used here with his permission.

Here’s what Adrian has to say:

‘She was relaunched a few weeks ago with great success. We made it to Baltimore two days before the annual Wooden Boat Festival.

‘We had our first attempt of sailing her during the harbour race on Saturday in over 20 knots of wind. It was fantastic and we were very impressed by her.

‘On Sunday we had lighter wind, competed in the race and took part in the parade of sail, this time under full sail minus the topsail ( need more rope for that one).

‘On Monday we sailed her to her home port of Union Hall where she is now sitting on her mooring ready for adventure.

‘The project has been huge, but a fantastic experience that I am missing already, and Teal is absolute gem.

‘Thank you for posting the updates and I will be in touch if we succeed in any big adventures,

‘I will be getting started with the Apple Pie dinghy soon so will let you know.’

Adrian also adds that she will soon be getting a nice new set of sails.

Read Adrian’s weblog for more about Teal.

Teal’s Life in Ireland – a weblog to watch

I’ve just been reading and greatly enjoying Adrian Nowotynski’s weblog about the restoration of the Teal, a well known Falmouth Quay punt. 

The boat celebrated her 100th birthday just before Christmas, and from what I can see she’s not so far off returning to the water.

Like many of her kind, Teal makes a lovely looking little cruising boat and Adrian seems to be hugely enjoying the job – it’s a darned good thing from Teal’s point of view that he’s a carpenter by trade and so comes to the job with certain advantages many of us would lack.

One of the best things about Adrian’s weblog is his willingness to discuss the nitty gritty of the job – so there’s plenty to read and think about, another is good clear photographs. Read what he has to say here.