Sean Hartman’s lashed skin on frame canoe

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Sean Hartman’s skin on frame canoe

Sean Hartman found plans for a skin on frame canoe (SOF canoe) taken from an old book some time ago.

He writes: ‘I found these plans while researching your Cinderella canoe. They seem to have been taken from an old book entitled Canoes, Dinghies, and Punts: How to build a canvas canoe by E T Littlewood. One of the photos attached shows the transom hitch lashings I used for the ribbands and later the gunwales.’

Sean has reminded me that he obtained the drawings he used to build this boat from – see them at

This seems like a good opportunity to mention that the scans from Practical Boat Building for Amateurs by as written by D Neison and updated by Dixon Kemp I put up some time ago include another set of drawings and instructions for making a canvas canoe.

Julie skiff sailing version

Look out for the sailing version of the Julie skiff. Click on the image for more

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How to build a Greenland kayak

How to build a Greenland kayak
How to build a Greenland kayak

Instructions on how to build a skin-on-frame Greenland kayak. If you’re interested in these boats, the chap responsible, Wolfgang Brinck, has a busy website that’s well worth exploring, and also a weblog.

Here’s what he says about himself:

‘I build skin on frame boats and make paddles and teach other people how to build skin boats and make paddles. Skin on frame technology may seem like retro technology but in fact is the wave of the future. There’s no technique for building small boats that is faster and uses fewer materials than skin on frame. It is the boat building method of choice in a world of dwindling resources.’