Norman Fuller launches his Ella plywood skiff built to free plans – and it’s a success!

free boat plans, boat plans, plywood boat, plans, skiff plans, ella skiff, gavin atkin, stitch and glue, tack and tape, wroxham broad, norman fuller

free boat plans, boat plans, plywood boat, plans, skiff plans, ella skiff, gavin atkin, stitch and glue, tack and tape, wroxham broad, norman fuller free boat plans, boat plans, plywood boat, plans, skiff plans, ella skiff, gavin atkin, stitch and glue, tack and tape, wroxham broad, norman fuller

Norman Fuller has launched his Ella skiff built using free boat plans from this website – and has pronounced it a success.

He launched the boat on Wroxham Broad, not far from his home in Norwich. Here’s what he had to say about the project when he emailed me late last evening:

‘Hi Gavin, after a slow start I finally got under way, having not been on the water for many many years.

‘Once I sorted the collars on the oars, worked out where they needed to fit and then nailed them in place, the Ella skiff performed very well. As you see I left the forward hatch open because thats where I kept the nails and hammer.

‘The boat’s very easy to handle and I think the skeg was doing it’s job, as I found I could row in a straight line, which could be some sort of indication the bottom is not skidding.

‘Only one was a little bit awkward, and that is the angle of the rowlock’s. I set them in the gapped inwale following the line of the side of the boat, but they need to be more upright, so I think I will change them. My friend Jenny was so proud of what I had done she took me for a carvery, not bad eh?

‘Till next time!


From the pictures, I think the problem you had with the rowlocks is that they could be higher – the choice is between lowering the thwart and raising the rowlocks, or both.

I’d start by screwing a 4-6in by 1 1/2in by 1 1/2in block with chamfered ends onto the gunwale for the rowlock to fit into. It’s easy to do, you see it done very often, and when the block wears you can replace it. Small people and kids won’t need them, but I should add these blocks to the plans. Here’s an example of how it would work; and here’s another from reader David Luckhardt.

The Ella skiff is a lightweight general purpose stitch and glue flattie skiff for use in sheltered waters. She’s 12ft long overall by 4ft beam, by 400lbs displacement, and is designed for stitch and glue construction using 1/4in or 3/8in 4ft by 8ft plywood. It is meant to be a simple and quick stitch and glue building job of a size that is convenient for building in domestic garages made to take a small to medium-sized car – which probably describes the building area available to most people. For more on this boat and the plans, click here.

2 thoughts on “Norman Fuller launches his Ella plywood skiff built to free plans – and it’s a success!”

  1. Oarlock pads –

    On the Cosine Wherry I'm restoring, the thwarts proved to be too close to the gunwales for rowing comfort with 8' and 8.5' oars — even when only using a low-profile gel rowing cushion.

    So I raised the oarlocks (what you Brits call rowlocks) by putting on slightly taller bases or pads. The angle of the gunwale was fine for the oarlock so I didn't have to change that, but certainly could have if it was necessary.

    I filled in the gaps between the inwale and outwale with wood blocks glued in place, then attached the oarlock pads and oarlock bases to those blocks using PL Premium and long screws — although bolts with washers are MUCH more secure for this critical fastening.

    First I made the forward thwart pads from some VG Douglas Fir handrails, which I then could not match at any nearby wood source, hence the Ash used above.

    Center thwart pads made from some Ash I had in the shop –

  2. Hi,

    this is the human Ella here, I like your boat Norman and I'm looking forward to having a go in it at Barton at the end of May.

    Cheers, Ella.

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