Two segments from the Brendan Voyage TV film

These are just two short segments from the original TV film about a crossing the North Atlantic from Ireland to North America in a leather boat led by Tim Severin – however, they’re quite enough to make my hair stand on end.

My thanks go to Brian Anderson for spotting them.

St Brendan is said to have made the same journey in the early 6th century. The Wikipedia page about St Brendan includes the wonderful image below.


Quick – see curraghs in action on the BBC

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A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all our readers!

As I write, we’ve just watched an excellent segment of the BBC series Coast covering the West Coast of Ireland, including some great stuff about curraghs and an interview with Tim Severin of Brendan Voyage fame.

I’m telling you all this because you can see it too via the BBC’s new BBCi Player feature. Follow this link, go to the A-Z listing, click through the programmes beginning with C, and there it is. But be quick – it’ll only be there for seven days.

PS – I notice that old pal Chris Partridge of Rowing for Pleasure is saying the same thing, so it must be true!
For more on curraghs at, click here.

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