Bristol Channel pilot cutter meet at Fowey



The Bristol Channel pilot cutters were tied up at Fowey for a meet on Thursday – so local boat builder Marcus Lewis took the opportunity take these photographs.

Almost half, he says, are Luke Powell’s modern creations. However, among them was Cornubia (ex Hirta) built at Polruan in 1911 by J Slade and Sons.

Thanks for the shots Marcus!

Pilot cutter enthusiasts will be interested to know that Luke Powell’s new book Working Sail is due to be published in a limited edition of 1,000 copies in October. It’s priced at £30 and if you would like a copy for yourself or as a gift it might be wise to sign up in advance for the subscribers package via the Dovecote Press website ahead of the 31st July deadline.

PSStar Yachts boat builder Win Cnoops spotted the YouTube video below. Thanks Win!

Luke Powell’s Working Sail

Bristol Channel pilot cutter Amelie Rose built by Working Sail

Historian and writer Mike Smylie commented that I should see Luke Powell’s Working Sail website the other day – and he’s bang right. If your Monday morning needs a lift – and whose doesn’t? – I recommend you take a sneaky look as soon as you can.

While you’re there, check out the series of YouTube videos of the modern-built Bristol Channel pilot cutter Amelie Rose. But keep calm – if you’re in a public place, try to avoid exclaiming or singing too loudly or you may find people will start asking questions…