SketchUp models of some of my free boat designs

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Little Breton

Flying Mouse Oarmouse

Lapstrake tender Little Breton, kids’ small sailing boat Flying Mouse (there are details for a rudder too!), and the Mouse-derived small rowing skiff Oarmouse

I’m very tickled this morning to hear from Kellan Hatch, who got in touch to deliver the news that some little boats I designed for home building a few years ago (the lapstrake tender Little Breton, the Flying Mouse and Oarmouse) have made it into Google’s SketchUp galleries. I think they’re a hoot – even if they aren’t very classic! Go to the Google 3DSketchUp gallery for more – I got these by searching on my own name, Gavin Atkin. I have to say that this is the first time following up my own name on the Internet has ever led me to unexpected nudity, but there’s a first time for everything.

The boat designs are available free from various places, including Free Boat Design Resources and the wonderful Duckworks Boat Builders Supply online shop. It’s always worth spending some time at both the Duckworks e-zine and shop, so do stop to have a look around while you’re there.

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