Nick Smith’s best motor launch yet – and the next one could be yours

Nick Smith motor launch Bella

Nick Smith motor launch Bella Nick Smith motor launch Bella Nick Smith motor launch Bella

West Country-style boat builder Nick Smith has sent in some photographs of the completed motor launch Bella.

‘Dear Gav,

‘I’ve attached some photos of the complete Bella taken last Thursday.

‘It’s been a long haul as usual but worth all the hours – she is in my opinion the best yet, so maybe I am getting the hang of it. I managed to get an excellent final coat of varnish on despite the conditions, although the engine box lid has some dust in it, so it will get another coat.

‘And so it remains to button her up in a cool shed until the spring when the owner will come and collect her.

‘I am off to New Zealand for a few weeks of sun and then back to Britain to prepare two existing launches ready for the new season 2011, and to build another launch. Thanks for all your good work, and a happy and prosperous New Year


I’d like to add that Nick’s in the market for a commission for one of his handsome motor launches – so if any readers would like a grand, seaworthy traditionally craft finished to the best standards for fishing, birdwatching, picnicking or general outings, please contact him using the details below.

If a commission doesn’t come in, I’m sure he’ll be building a motor launch on spec, though what size I couldn’t say. Maybe he’ll make his mind up while stretched out on one of those New Zealand beaches…

For more posts at on this project, click here; here, here, here, and here.

Nick comes from Devon, learned boatbuilding the traditional way and specialises in new builds in clinker and carvel for sail, motor and rowing power from 8ft to 28ft with a special emphasis on West Country style and design, and also takes on repairs and refits from 25ft to 50ft. These days he’s based in Hampshire, and can be contacted by email at and by phone on 07786 693370.

PS – can we say you’re looking for a commission for this spring, or would you feel that was giving too much away? G

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