More photographs from Hastings: statues and portraits of historical celebrities

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francis drake, nelson, cloudesley, shovell, admiral, hastings, photographs, monuments, house

francis drake, nelson, cloudesley, shovell, admiral, hastings, photographs, monuments, house francis drake, nelson, cloudesley, shovell, admiral, hastings, photographs, monuments, house

The house that once belonged to Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell’s mum

Also in Hastings we found this extraordinary house. Perhaps the last time I walked along this road I failed to make the obvious connection, but this time I didn’t fail to make it and took the shots that duty required.

The story of Admiral Sir Cloudesley Shovell is that he happened to be in charge when a large but off-course portion of the British Navy hit the Scilly Isles instead of sailing safely up the English Channel, as had been expected.

It was a miserable end to what must previously been a glittering career full of successful heroics – but it wasn’t in vain because the historians say that the renewed interest in navigation that followed led to the development of the chronometer.

Sir Cloudesley’s body was found washed up on a Scilly Isles beach, and he is now commemorated in Westminster Abbey by a monument made by the legendary Grinling Gibbons, no less.

Hastings seems to be keen on its big-name maritime heroes; within a quarter of a mile of the Shovell house, we came upon these reminders of Sir Francis Drake and Admiral Lord Nelson.

francis drake, nelson, cloudesley, shovell, admiral, hastings, photographs, monuments, house francis drake, nelson, cloudesley, shovell, admiral, hastings, photographs, monuments, house