EW Cooke’s Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft, published in 1829

Fifty plates of shipping and craft , a collection of drawings by EW Cooke, 1811-80. They were published in 1829, when he was just 18…

Read about him here.

As Arthur Percival points out (comments below – thanks Arthur) there’s a relatively recent biography, if you’re interested and have a few bob to hand.


4 thoughts on “EW Cooke’s Fifty Plates of Shipping and Craft, published in 1829”

  1. The E W Cooke reference is very useful. I suspect he was very prolific, and there must be many drawings which people have never seen. There were some, I think, In a collection I used to curate 50 years ago. There’s at least one of Faversham, which was in private ownership when I came across it many years ago. Unfortunately it’s more of a cement factory than of the vessels which served it. There’s an excellent modern book about him, of course, with lots of illustrations.

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