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We’ve received this informative email from Nick Gates, the guy who restored the small zulu we featured in an earlier post.
‘Just been sent the link to your site by a friend. Very enjoyable! Glad to see our boat Ocean Pearl featured. The jury is out as to her correct type. Mike Smylie is unsure….thinks she may be a hybrid of a half zulu and a Danish seiner. Half zulu, because she is half-size, and built for fishing under power, not sail.
‘But sail she does! A few weeks ago we maintained a steady 8 knots through the water between Ryde and Chichester harbour, peaking at 8 ¼ knots. This was without the mizzen on a close reach in 18 to 20 knots of wind. She has proved to be quite handy in confined spaces, short tacks well, and will point as high as a good gaffer.
‘I plan to increase the rig this winter, with a longer bowsprit and larger headsails to improve her light weather performance. Saying that, she will pass any modern 37’Jeauneau/Bavaria/Rassy with ease.
‘I have done a couple of vids on YouTube:
‘Great site,
Come for a sail next year!
Nick Gates’
Well – that’s an invitation you don’t get every day! I’ll definitely take that one up if I get half a chance thanks Nick!
Nick’s videos are well worth looking at, the first for its glimpses of Ocean Pearl’s restoration, and the second because it conveys a sense of the heavy work involved in raising a big yard and how well the boat looks and sails.
See Nick’s website at www.nickgates.co.uk.
Is Ocean Pearl a zulu, fifie or a baldie? Click here.
I am puzzled as to why my observation re Ocean Pearl being a fifie and not a zulu appears to have been deleted.
I noted moments after the note was posted yesterday that it was being "adjudicated".
With some 40 years involvement with Scottish-built fishing vessels, including working them for 12 years, and so-forth, I have a fairly deep knowledge.
Or perhaps it suits the owner of the rather handsome Ocean Pearl that she be regarded as a zulu and not a fifie. If so, that would indeed be sad.
Jay Cresswell