A second look at the small zulu Ocean Pearl restored by Nick Gates

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The small zulu Ocean Pearl restored by Nick Gates

We’ve received this informative email from Nick Gates, the guy who restored the small zulu we featured in an earlier post.

‘Just been sent the link to your site by a friend. Very enjoyable! Glad to see our boat Ocean Pearl featured. The jury is out as to her correct type. Mike Smylie is unsure….thinks she may be a hybrid of a half zulu and a Danish seiner. Half zulu, because she is half-size, and built for fishing under power, not sail.

‘But sail she does! A few weeks ago we maintained a steady 8 knots through the water between Ryde and Chichester harbour, peaking at 8 ¼ knots. This was without the mizzen on a close reach in 18 to 20 knots of wind. She has proved to be quite handy in confined spaces, short tacks well, and will point as high as a good gaffer.

‘I plan to increase the rig this winter, with a longer bowsprit and larger headsails to improve her light weather performance. Saying that, she will pass any modern 37’Jeauneau/Bavaria/Rassy with ease.

‘I have done a couple of vids on YouTube:



‘Great site,

Come for a sail next year!

Nick Gates’

Well – that’s an invitation you don’t get every day! I’ll definitely take that one up if I get half a chance thanks Nick!

Nick’s videos are well worth looking at, the first for its glimpses of Ocean Pearl’s restoration, and the second because it conveys a sense of the heavy work involved in raising a big yard and how well the boat looks and sails.

See Nick’s website at www.nickgates.co.uk.

Is Ocean Pearl a zulu, fifie or a baldie? Click here.

One thought on “A second look at the small zulu Ocean Pearl restored by Nick Gates”

  1. I am puzzled as to why my observation re Ocean Pearl being a fifie and not a zulu appears to have been deleted.

    I noted moments after the note was posted yesterday that it was being "adjudicated".

    With some 40 years involvement with Scottish-built fishing vessels, including working them for 12 years, and so-forth, I have a fairly deep knowledge.

    Or perhaps it suits the owner of the rather handsome Ocean Pearl that she be regarded as a zulu and not a fifie. If so, that would indeed be sad.

    Jay Cresswell



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