Edo canoe enquiry

EDO canoe 4

EDO canoe 2 EDO canoe 3 EDO canoe 3

Someone called Marianne has written from the USA to ask if anyone can tell her more about a kayak she acquired recently. It bears the brand Edo Western Corp, Salt Lake City, UT, Model#8102, Serial #148.

From the Wikipedia and elsewhere she has learned that company founder Earl Dodge Osborn developed floats for seaplanes, among other boats, but has not been able to find out anything about this particular product, including when it was made – Marianne suspects it was made in the 1940’s or 50’s, although the person who sold kayak said it dated from 1963?

I think it’s a wonderful period piece by the way – just look at those handles at bows and stern! As usual, if you can help, please either email me at gmatkin@gmail.com or use the comment link below.