Preliminary drawings for the sailing Ella skiff, and some more model photos

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Ella skiff sailing preliminary sketch

Preliminary sketches for the sailing Ella skiff

Intheboatshed readers following the progress of the ‘girls’ series skiffs might be interested in this initial drawing for the sailing version of the 12ft Ella skiff.

I’ve drawn quite a large sail area of 72sqft, which will make it a lively boat despite its simple hard-chine hull, and just what my daughter would love – I told here I’d try to create a boat that would keep up with a Topper, which is her current favourite small boat. The Ella skiff will also have buckets-full of built-in bouyancy.

In addition, Dan Savage kindly sent me the shots below of two card models he’s made of of the rowing version of the Ella skiff. Thanks Dan!

Ella Skiff Models 8-2-09 001 Ella Skiff Models 8-2-09 003 Ella Skiff Models 8-2-09 002

For more on the Ella skiff, click here.

PS – The drawings for the sailing version of the Ella skiff are done – To download the construction plans click here.

6 thoughts on “Preliminary drawings for the sailing Ella skiff, and some more model photos”

  1. Aloha Gavin- I'm very interested in the sailing version of the Ella, and look forward to the updated design. Will the base hull design change much from the rowing version? I'm considering starting the build, and then adding in the sail components later when the design is done, unless you think the hull will be modified.

    I was looking for something of this size that could be thrown in the back of my truck for a little sailing in the bay. This looks to be perfect, so – Thanks!

    1. Hi Shawn:

      I'm delighted to hear that you're interested in this boat and will try to get it done within days – all it needs now is a check-over and for some builder's notes.

      The hullform is the same as for the rowing version, but starting with the earlier plans would not be an efficient use of ply material.


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