Ben Crawshaw’s Light Trow makes a mysterious journey

Trow sub frames

Ben’s deck-support sub frames

Well, I think it’s mysterious. First he works by lamplight. Then we see all the deck subframes in place (hoorah, by the way). Then there’s a photo of a bug so strange it’s clearly an extra from a Dr Who set. (I must say I enjoyed the Daleks’ Pig-people this week, by the way.) Then we see the boat sitting under a cafe parasol, presumably sipping a quiet daiquiri. Can anyone guess what our beach-boat-building hero Ben Crawshaw is telling us?

He’s doing a nice looking job, though, isn’t he? And, praise be, he hasn’t made any serious changes to the design that I can see. The prototype Light Trow is going to be the real thing.

Ben Crawshaw’s Invisible Workshop weblog:

Download the Light Trow plans:

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