Chris Perkins photographs the Thames Traditional Boat Festival

Award winning boat builder and early supporter of the Scottish Coastal Rowing movement Chris Perkins has been in touch with photos from a trip to the Thames Traditional Boat Festival. It’s great to hear from him after some time, and good too to see that the event has bounced back from its difficulties a little while ago.

To see more of his photos of the event click here. (You can also find your way to his other Flickr galleries – he has an impressive collection of photos.)

Here’s what he said about it: ‘This was the first time a trip south has coincided with the event. It’s rather different from the usual gatherings I attend, but there were some gorgeous boats to be seen as well as a few old friends. Feel free to extract anything you would like to use. Trust all is well with you and yours… ‘

We’re fine thanks Chris. I hope you’re doing well too, and many thanks for the photos! (Btw, these remain Chris’s copyright, soi please ask permission before ‘borrowing’ his photos for another website.)

Thames Traditional Boat Rally 16th-17th July

Thames Traditional Boat Rally 2011

The Thames Traditional Boat Rally folks are putting out the word about their annual event at Fawley Meadows, Henley on the 16-17 July. Click on the image above for a pdf file of their flier, and click here for the Rally’s website, including extensive galleries of photos from previous years.

Photographs of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010

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Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010

Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010 Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010 Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010

Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010 Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010 Photos of the Thames Traditional Boat Rally, Henley 2010

Fowey boatbuilder Marcus Lewis went to this years Thames Traditional Boat Rally and kindly sent me these shots – he knew in advance that I wouldn’t be able to attend myself.

Here’s what he had to say about them:

‘Hi, I thought I would send you some pictures of the Henley rally in case you were short of material this week!

It was super weather, bright sunshine some of the time, with a breeze on the river (bit more on Sunday) and the atmosphere was very relaxed and calm, no-one getting their knickers twisted!

There was a marvellous selection of craft, a large collection of Dunkirk Little Ships – even a motor launch that used to ferry passengers from Fowey to Bodinnick – and a very good commentary from people who clearly know the boats, the owners, and what they can get away with commenting on!

The boat jumble was ok, not over-busy, but there were a few treasures to be found if you were looking.

The illuminated parade was a little under-subscribed, but those that took part really made an effort.

An excellent event that was blessed with fine weather, and the red kites soaring overhead gave something for my partner Sue to watch when she got tired of looking at the boats!

Cheers, Marcus

Many thanks Marcus! It looks a very jolly party – I really must go along some time. I only have one concern: what exactly are the rules about how to dress for the occasion?