Stitch and glue panels drawings and coordinates for the 14ft Sunny skiff

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I’ve just drawn up pdfs of the panels and coordinates for the 14ft Sunny skiff plans for anyone interested in this little stitch and glue rowing boat meant to be constructed from 1/4 or 3/8in ply.

I must add my usual warnings – they’re dull necessary. I am not a qualified boat designer and the Sunny skiff should be regarded as an experimental design. I accept no responsibility for any loss or damage that may occur during building this boat or in its use. You build it and use it at your own risk.

The Sunny skiff is intended for use on flat sheltered water with no strong currents. It is not intended for use with outboard power.

As the plans package is not complete, please refer to the plans for the Ella skiff and Julie skiff for additional information on building and fitting out this boat, such as where to site oarlocks, and information about inwales, gunwales and so on.

If you do decide to build this boat please build a model first and send me photos of your model and the completed boat together with a report on how the project goes and how the boat performs on the water. Whenever I am available, I will be very happy to provide help and advice if needed along the way; if I’m not around, the online forums can be very useful, but it often helps to search their archives before posting a question.

For more on the Sunny skiff, click here and here.

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14ft flattie skiff Sunny – new free boat plans from Gavin Atkin in the making

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Sunny skiff – as usual, click on the thumbnail for a
larger and more useful image

We’ve worked hard this weekend, what with the shopping, the boat maintenance and the gardening. But in response to one or two requests, I did manage to find a few hours to start work drawing up a little 14ft skiff for those who find the Julie skiff too large and the 12ft Ella skiff too small.

Julie is my wife and Ella is my daughter, so this one’s named after my dear mother, Sunny – she was almost always known by this name, though the name on her birth certificate was the much more exotic Sunya.

Anyway, if you’re interested in a quick and simple stitch and glue flattie skiff in the style of the Ella and the Julie but at 14ft, keep your eyes on!

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Is anyone building the stitch-and-glue skiff?

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The post offering free plans for the Julie skiff has been the most popular individual element of this weblog for some time. It’s been viewed by thousands of people and, naturally, we’re delighted at all the attention it has been receiving.

But although we’ve heard that various people have planned to build it, we’re not aware of anyone starting a Julie skiff project, let along finishing one. Is there anyone out there building this boat? If you are building this spring, please let us know at – We’d be especially grateful for reports of how the building goes, and for photos of both the building and the completed boat that we can post here at

I’d also be very pleased to receive any photos of models anyone may have built. Both Ben Crawshaw (thanks Ben!) and the designer have had a go, and in any case it’s always good to build a model before building a boat like this.

In case you’re wondering, I do still intend to draw a couple of traditionally-inspired sailing rigs, a more traditional chine-log version, and also a 17ft version for two rowers. It’s just that I’ve been very busy organising both a small folk festival and a wedding. In addition the usual ups and downs of work, music making and family life, they’re more than enough to keep a chap busy, I can tell you!

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