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Low-power skiff, at 24 Oct 2009
Working on the low-power skiff I’m drawing for my friend (who wisely chooses to be anonymous) today: 15ft 4in by 4ft 8in, intended for 4-5hp.
Please let me know if your interested using the comment link below, or even if you can see some fatal flaw before it’s too late!!! Be aware that this isn’t meant to be a planing hull – at this power (specified by my ‘customer’) a semi-planing hull form seems a more sensible option. It was his low-power specification that has made the project interesting, and worth the several days I’ve spent on it – I think we need more designs to be created specifically to meet the needs of the expensive oil era.
It would be great if a few builders were to make use of the plans once they are complete. For now however, we have the wherewithal to make a model – which will hopefully keep some of you interested.
The drawings to make a model of this little skiff are in the pdf files below:
Model parts skiff part 1 200910
Model parts skiff part 2 200910
The main frames – frames nos 1,2 and 3 align with the lines marked on the chines. The positions of all other framing, seating and decking components are defined by cut-outs on the main frames, fore and aft lengths of thwartsm decking and chine line.
Full-size plans are to follow. I’m thinking about a small cuddy or shelter, btw.
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