Mike Maloney’s Red Sails sailing barge film now available

Red Sails A4 free screening poster

Red Sails, the new film about the story of the sailing barges made by Mike Maloney, is now available on DVD from the Countrywide Productions website following a public screening last week.

I’m looking forward to receiving my copy and will write about it shortly – but I’m expecting a lot, given the welcome it has received:

  • Many congratulations on the magnificent film. I think the applause at the end expressed everybody’s sentiment – William Collard – project manager, Cambria Trust
  • Bob and I – and many other people I talked to afterwards – thoroughly enjoyed Red Sails. It was well researched, beautifully filmed and put together. The film is a valuable contribution to the understanding of the Thames Barge – Lena Reekie
  • I was very impressed by the film and treatment of the subject. It ‘reached’ me and I thought that the treatment of Jimmy Lawrence and Bill Collard was very effective in binding the film sections together – Phil Latham, ex-mate of the Cambria

An interview with Bob Roberts’ Cambria mate Phil Latham

Phil Latham on sailing the Cambria from Richard Fleury on Vimeo.

Richard is the chap who runs the The Quay website, which campaigns for the maritime future of Faversham Creek.

On the day of the Cambria’s relaunch earlier this week he was lucky enough to be able to meet Phil Latham, who was Bob’s mate aboard the sailing barge from 1964-68, and and to film an interview. I think it’s of great interest to anyone fascinated by sailing barges and Bob Roberts,  but also to sailors who know or plan to visit the East Coast.