Norfolk’s last eel catcher gives up…

The last eel catcher

The sad news that the old trade of eel catching is no more.  Such a young man too – I hope the future has good things in store.



Norfolk’s Rescue Wooden Boats builds the first crab boat for 25 years

Rescue Wooden Boats crab boat

This is a splendid piece of news – Rescue Wooden Boats trustee David Hewitt has built and now launched the Norfolk Coast’s first new traditionally built crab boat for 25 years, the 17ft oak-built Auk.

Read about it on the Anglia Afloat website, or click on the image above to go to the newspaper’s nice photogallery.

Anglia TV has also put a story online.

I’m amused to notice that a little before the launch, David and his boatbuilding apprentice Tom Gathercole carefully fitted Auk’s engine beds – or ‘wrongs’ as they are known in the area. ‘Engine wrongs’. Great name chaps!

FITTING ENGINE WRONGS ON NEW CRABBER “AUK” from Rescue:Wooden:Boats on Vimeo.

The Broads – an enthusiastic introduction by Coast presenter Nicholas Crane

Nick Crane is right in this promotional film – Norfolk’s Broads are very special and it’s a great place to explore in a hire boat, whether it’s an engineless old-style sailing boat, a cruiser with an auxilliary engine or a motor boat.

The only thing I’d add to what he says is that when you tie up at night there is very often somewhere great to eat and enjoy a pint of hoppy local beer.