Two more songs for singing sailors

Two more sample recordings of songs from my temporary bedroom recording studio: John Connolly’s widely sung Fiddler’s Green, which is today so beloved by real-life fishermen, accompanied by my pre-war Hohner Erika melodeon, and the classic broken-token-my-love’s-a-sailor-but-he’s-been-gone-seven-years piece The Dark Eyed Sailor, which like many people I learned from the singing of Fred Jordan.

The eventual aim is eventually to make a CD – working title ‘Songs for singing sailors’ – that will hopefully be available through the usual commercial channels. We’re months away from that result, but I hope these samples tickle someone’s fancy!

The life of Bob Roberts – a short article written for EDS magazine

Bob Roberts article

Here’s a piece I recently wrote for the folkies’ magazine English Dance and Song about the legendary and sometimes controversial barge skipper Bob Roberts, who was also a celebrated singer and melodeon player. Click on the image above to download a pdf file…

Old Bob’s barge Cambria has been brought back to life thanks to a Lottery grant and the hard work of volunteers – read all about it at the Cambria Trust website. (I included this link in the story but it had to be edited out!)

The photos below show Cambria leaving Faversham Creek on a high tide on the 29th March.

Cambria makes her way down Faversham Creek on a high tide 1 Cambria makes her way down Faversham Creek on a high tide 2 Cambria makes her way down Faversham Creek on a high tide 3