Tag: Kentish Sail Association
2018 KSA calendar is out now!
The KSA’s calendar for 2018 is now out, and I don’t doubt it’s just as stunning as usual, and no do doubt features shots from the famous Swale Match.
Copies cost £8.00 from the Faversham Fleur de Lis centre, the Faversham Chandlery or Creek Creative, if you are in the town. If not they’re available by mail order: send a cheque (add £2 for post and packaging) made out to the ‘Kentish Sail Association’ to Geoff Turner, 59 Abbey Street, Faversham ME13 7BN
Kentish Sail Association calendar 2017 is out now
The Kentish Sail Association calendar for 2017 is out now and I’m told it’s made up of 12 stunning photos of barges, smacks and gaff rigged vessels and other veteran craft from this year’s Swale Match.
They’re on sale at the Fleur de Lis Centre at Faversham for £8.00 – but if it’s mnore convenient, send a £10 cheque made out to the KSA (the price includes p&p) to Julian Mannering, at 13 Abbey Street,
Faversham, Kent ME13 7BE.