Thames skiff rowers journey the length of the Mississippi

Mississippi Millions

The Mississippi Million rowers led by John  Pritchard arrived at New Orleans on the 25th October after rowing two Thames skiffs for 2,320 miles down the mighty river. It has been a huge achievement and I hope they get the recognition they deserve – and that John  raises a good sum for the charity Right to Play, which promotes the right of all children to be able to play.

The rowers describe it as a mix of toil, pain, laughter, wonderment, hospitality, friendship, kindness, headwinds, rain, thunder, lightning, tornados, blood, sores and Sam Adams beer, though no doubt Chris Partridge would call it pleasure. Read John’s weblog account here, and Patrick Broughton’s here.

I particularly like his last entry, which simply reads: ‘Begining of the day End of the day. Job done. And yes there were tears.’

Ex-Thames steamer Belle urgently needs a new owner


The lovely 1894 Kingston-built steam launch Belle, which plied the Thames for many years, is in urgent need of a new owner.

SL Belle’s present owner can’t afford to keep the National Historic Ships-registered vessel any longer and is reluctantly considering an offer of £6,500 from someone who wishes to strip her fittings and scrap the rest of her.

Read the story at River Thames News.

PS – Another, rather more cheerful if entertainingly loop story from the River Thames News folks reveals that Olympian John Pritchard is to lead a group of rowers in 2,500-mile trip down the Mississippi from Minnesota to New Orleans in two 26ft fixed-seat traditional Thames skiffs. The boats are now under construction at the Stanley and Thomas boatyard at Windsor, and the plan is to raise a million dollars for the charity Right To Play, which educates children in developing countries through play.