Sad end threatens for 1878-built sailing ship Falls of Clyde

The Falls of Clyde - An early oiltanker - panoramio

‘She is the last remaining ship of her class and a striking reminder of the golden age of sail.

‘But the Falls of Clyde, which was launched at Port Glasgow in 1878, looks set to be consigned to a watery grave somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.

‘The ship has been declared unsafe by Hawaii’s transport department.

‘The 137-year-old iron-hulled four-masted vessel was this week declared unsafe by Hawaii transport officials, who ordered she be removed from her permanent mooring in Honolulu harbour. It now looks likely the Falls will be towed into deep water and scuttled to become an attraction for divers – unless a last ditch campaign to save her is successful.’

Read more on The Scotsman website and on the Wikipedia.