Watson class lifeboat City of Bradford II free to a good home

Fowey boatbuilder Marcus Lewis has alerted us to the news that the the Watson class lifeboat City of Bradford II is available free to a good home.

The 45ft lifeboat served on the Humber from 1929 1950, and during WWII won two RNLI gold medals as well as silver medals.

The boat is unfortunately in poor condition cosmetically and mechanically; both her Ford Parsons Barracuda six-cylinder diesels need attention or replacing and her decks and superstructure need attention, but her hull is said to appear relatively sound, as boat remains afloat.

The original forward and aft cuddys remain, although she has an added wheelhouse. She’s afloat on Strangford Lough, County Down, and would need to be towed or road trailed away.

The first Barton skiff will soon be afloat

Brian King's Barton skiff

Brian King's Barton skiff Brian King's Barton skiff Brian King's Barton skiff


The excitement is rising at Intheboatshed.net Towers as launch day approaches for Brian King’s low-powered Barton skiff made from free boat plans available from this website.

My thanks go to Brian for permission to publish his photos.

He plans to use his homebuilt boat for exploring the large natural harbour of Milford Haven. Naturally, I’m delighted and particularly pleased to see that once translated from the drawings into three-dimensions the little boat looks like it means business.

It has a highish, bouyant prow to turn back waves; a little tumblehome to make the water accessible to someone in the boat without having to lean too far out for comfort; and a seating and outboard arrangement intended to make the boat sit well on the water when it’s loaded light with only one person and the outboard. From the builder’s perspective, it also has a central girder construction to ensure the boat comes out the right shape, and which also lends rigidity.

For more on this boat, see earlier posts.

For more plans, see the free boat plans page.

Victory Class racing yacht for restoration at Portsmouth

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Victory Class keelboat free for restoration

Victory Class keelboat free for restoration Victory Class keelboat

Victory Class keelboats

This super little Victory Class keelboat ideal for racing and daysailing is available for restoration – and from the class website it seems there may be one or two others available on a similar basis.

These photographs were taken on a recent trip to Portsmouth by Julie, who knows a nice boat when she sees one. Thanks Julie! My spies are everywhere…