The Scullmatix has arrived!

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I think this video of my friend Chuck Leinweber of Duckworks using the Scullmatix is an impressive demonstration of a clever device that will be useful for many of us who use small boats, even up to medium-sized yachts.

I’ve been a little sceptical in the past, but having seen it in action I’m now pretty sure I want to try one – this thing clearly sculls rather better than I can.

Read all about Guy Capra’s invention at Duckworks.

Photos of the Regates Royales de Cannes 2008 from Guy Capra

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Swept decks to die for

Guy Capra sent me links to some photos he took of this year’s Regates Royales de Cannes annual meet. Guy, you may remember, is the inventor and promoter of the Godyoto.

Here’s his note:

‘Hello Gavin,

‘Here are some photos of the Regates Royales de Cannes I took – you can use or point to them if you want

‘I think the young man on the large yacht Moon Beam is an apprentice carpenter seen on the French TV today at the news TF1 13h.

‘Also, these photos show details of the Amerigo Vespucci when she was in Toulon recently, and here is an an interesting short video of making a traditional rope.


Thanks Guy – some nice photos there!