Bill Serjeant visits Oare Creek and Faversham


I see from Bill’s Log that small boat cruiser and gentleman of the waves Bill Serjeant is spending a little time at Oare Creek and visiting Faversham, where he seems to be enjoying himself. Here’s his description of Oare Creek:

‘I alighted at the head of Oare Creek and ambled along the footpath where late Spring blossoms scented the air. I deeply breathed in and savoured the beauty of the countryside…

‘I was saddened to see so many forsaken yachts no longer cherished by their owners… but in between, snuggled into the mud awaiting the return of the tide there were the most glorious of sailing vessels, Thames barges and classic yachts of all kinds.’

He’s sailing a West Wight Potter these days – for many years he has taken a particular pleasure in changing boats regularly, often building the smaller ones himself. He has travelled over from Burnham and Leigh, hopes to make Ramsgate tomorrow before the wind rises later in the day. Great good luck Bill!

Bill Serjeant reaches Plymouth in epic 14ft boat voyage

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Bill Serjeant’s Faith under sail

Bill’s little boat Faith. Click on the image to see his videos showing her
making way

Those of us who have had our faith shattered by the election of the new comedy mayor of London can draw some comfort from the success of a much more modest celebrity: Bill Serjeant.

Brave Bill has now made the trip from Essex to Plymouth in his little 14ft boat Faith, and I say he and his little craft deserve applause all round!

Follow his progress on his weblog Bill’s Log.

For more posts featuring Bill, follow this link.

Modest celebrities Bill Serjeant and Nigel Davidson pass by on their way to the West

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Bill Serjeant’s Faith under sail

Bill’s little boat Faith. Click on the image to see his videos showing her
making way

Bill Serjeant is currently sailing his remarkable little heavyweight 14-ft Paradox cruiser Faith from its home port at Burnham on Crouch along the South Coast down to the West Country, where he intends to meet and sail in company with another Paradox sailor Al Law.

As Bill’s weblog records, along the way he anchored for a time in our sailing ground, the Swale, before sailing out along the North Kent Coast. However, over the last couple of days he’s been waiting out some bad weather in Ramsgate Harbour, where he met Nigel Davidson, who is currently circumnavigating the UK in his pretty 24ft Hillyard-built yacht Patsy Rye. For an earlier post about Nigel and his journey, click here. Huge good luck to both of them!

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