Ripple, designed and built by Nick Smith

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Ripple, built by Nick Smith

Ripple, built by Nick Smith

Traditional-style boatbuilder Nick Smith sent me these two images of his latest completed building job this week:

‘Hi Gavin, some pictures as promised.

‘New build Ripple on the River Stour at Wick, Christchurch, helmed by the builder, and on Southpool Creek at Salcombe, with proud owner holding the tiller.

Ripple has a new Yanmar 9hp inboard fitted, which gives her plenty of power !


Thanks as ever, Nick!

Don’t forget you can examine Nick’s lovely work close up at the Beale Park Boat Show this weekend. Also, for more posts featuring Nick’s boats, follow this link.

Slipway Collective plans rowing gig Young Bristol return to Beale – by water!

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Rowing gig Young Bristol sees some action

Rowing gig Young Bristol sees some action Rowing gig Young Bristol sees some action Rowing gig Young Bristol sees some action

Win Cnoops has been in touch to say that he and his Slipway Collective colleagues hope to bring the completed and now well used Young Bristol back to the Beale Park Thames Boat Show. They are looking forward to showing the Cornish rowing gig to visitors who saw the boat last year, when it was still only half-built.

I gather she has been worked hard in the meantime, and has won two races. The photos of the gigs locking into Bristol Floating Harbour was taken after the Avon Gorge Race.

STOP PRESS! Win tells me the latest plan is to row Young Bristol 80 miles or so from Bristol to Beale Park, following the Kennet & Avon Canal and a bit of the Thames. Apparently the Bristol Gig Club sees it as a good exercise!

The Slipway Collective will also bring a finished Whisp and possibly a Jolly Boat.

For earlier posts about this boat, click here, here and here, and follow this link for more on the Slipway Coop folks:

Tickets for the Beale Park Thames Boat Show can be bought in advance online via the Beale Park website, or by phone on 0118 976 7498.

Take a look at our extensive coverage of last year’s Beale Park Boat Show.

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