Johnson & Jago 2 1/2 tonner sales leaflet

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Jonson + Jago 2.5 tonner

Click on the image for a larger readable scan

Following the post appealing for a new owner to care for a Johnson & Jago 2 1/2 tonner the other day, kind reader Julian Fouser has sent me this scan of a sales flier produced by the company.

Thanks Julian!

It looks like a sweet little boat. I gather there was a piece in Classic Boat some years ago in which someone offered one of these boats named Whistler to a good home in return for a donation to the RNLI. I hope she got the care she deserved and is still around somewhere.

On the subject of Johnson & Jago-built boats, Google found me this site full of photos of a larger boat produced by the company – and this one is a Dunkirk Little Ship!

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