Outrigger canoes of the Phillipines photographed by Matt Atkin

Matt Atkin’s been on his travels again, and this time my brother has bagged some shots of craft used in the Phillipines – and brought back more striking evidence of the diversity of human life. The modern world hasn’t yet made us all the same, and Matt was very struck by how different these fragile-looking … Continue reading “Outrigger canoes of the Phillipines photographed by Matt Atkin”

Great finds discovered and restored: two Macgregor canoes and a Salter’s rowing gig

Adrian Morgan wrote a couple of weeks ago to remind me of some treasures that I might have missed. He’s right, I need to make amends – though in my defence nobody mentioned them to me at the time! (Note to traditional boat builders: please tell me what you’re doing, as this website gets seen … Continue reading “Great finds discovered and restored: two Macgregor canoes and a Salter’s rowing gig”

Poole canoes – the motorised flat-bottomed skiffs of Poole Harbour

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Poole canoes, photographed by John Lockwood Home Built Boat Rally UK (HBBR) member John Lockwood has sent me these photos of a British Isles flattie I hadn’t known about until recently: the oddly-named Poole canoe. The British Isles aren’t generally thought of as the home of flat-bottomed boats, and I can’t tell you … Continue reading “Poole canoes – the motorised flat-bottomed skiffs of Poole Harbour”