Simon Papendick starts building an Andrew Wolstenholme dinghy

  Here’s one to follow: now equipped with a new apprentice, Essex boat builder Simon Papendick is starting work on a new clinker-built dinghy for use as a tender – a shortened 3.1m version of boat designer Andrew Wolstenholme’s Coot in larch and with oak ribs. I get the feeling that Simon hopes to make more … Continue reading “Simon Papendick starts building an Andrew Wolstenholme dinghy”

A new season of work on Gadfly II (Mai Star II) begins for Simon Papendick

East Coast mobile boat repairer and restorer Simon Papendick is doing a lot of work on his Kent-built small cruiser Gadfly II, otherwise known as Mai-Star II, and he’s weblogging about it here and here. Long-standing readers wifll remember that he got her back to sailing condition a couple of years back, and researched her history … Continue reading “A new season of work on Gadfly II (Mai Star II) begins for Simon Papendick”

Simon Papendick fixes up a Fox and Son motor launch

  Mobile boat restorer, repairman and sailing instructor Simon Papendick’s weblog shows him restoring a Fox & Son of Ipswich motor launch originally built around the 1960s. See the photos here. To see earlier posts relating to Simon’s projects, go here and click through the ‘earlier posts’ links.