Tiernan Roe starts work on a Karl Stambaugh Catbird 16 small cruising sharpie

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] It may not look like much at the moment, but this is the very beginning of a new project for Tiernan Roe. Tiernan is a South-West Ireland-based boatbuilder who has recently received a huge amount of positive coverage for a beautiful John Atkin-designed Ninigret 22 he built for a client. The acclaim has … Continue reading “Tiernan Roe starts work on a Karl Stambaugh Catbird 16 small cruising sharpie”

Baltimore Woodenboat Festival – don’t you just wish you could go?

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Boatbuilder Tiernan Roe writes to remind me that the Baltimore Woodenboat Festival takes place in a few days, and kindly sent me some shots of local boats to grab readers’ interest. His photographs are beautiful so I hope we do manage to persuade at least a few readers to make the journey to … Continue reading “Baltimore Woodenboat Festival – don’t you just wish you could go?”

Traditional boats of Ireland photographed by boatbuilder and weblogger Tiernan Roe

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Heir Island lobster boat Rose and Galway hooker An Faoilean Heir Island lobster boat Saoirse Muireann owned byhistorian and author Cormac Levis The two gaffers in the upper photo are Rose an Heir Island lobster boat on the left and An Faoilean a Galway hooker on the right. The Saoirse Muireann below is … Continue reading “Traditional boats of Ireland photographed by boatbuilder and weblogger Tiernan Roe”