Chris Perkins Macgregor canoe on BBC TV

Remember Chris Perkin’s award-winning Macgregor canoe built to Iain Oughtred’s design? Well, it has turned up on a BBC series following largely forgotten steamer routes taken by Victorian holiday-makers, and pioneer canoeist Macgregor himself. (I’m sure they’re not forgotten among boating enthusiasts!) It’s a wonderfully scenic part of the world and it’s great to see … Continue reading “Chris Perkins Macgregor canoe on BBC TV”

Great finds discovered and restored: two Macgregor canoes and a Salter’s rowing gig

Adrian Morgan wrote a couple of weeks ago to remind me of some treasures that I might have missed. He’s right, I need to make amends – though in my defence nobody mentioned them to me at the time! (Note to traditional boat builders: please tell me what you’re doing, as this website gets seen … Continue reading “Great finds discovered and restored: two Macgregor canoes and a Salter’s rowing gig”

Tony Bibbington sails and paddles Macgregor’s route in a Rob Roy canoe

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Rob Roy canoe gear – click on the drawing for a larger image I’ve just learned that Mersey Canoe Club member Tony Bibbington last year sailed and paddled from Oslo to the Baltic, following Victorian pioneer John MacGregor’s paddle-strokes all the way. My thanks to Brian Smith for letting me know about this, … Continue reading “Tony Bibbington sails and paddles Macgregor’s route in a Rob Roy canoe”