Hathor relaunch and White Moth centenary celebrations on The Broads

The Wherry Yacht Charter folks are celebrating a special year on The Broads during 2015, which will include the relaunch of the wonderful 110 year-old wherry yacht Hathor and the centenary of the fabulous White Moth. Hathor will be on view at How Hill ahead of her official relaunch celebrations on the 30th May, when four wherries including Hathor will sail together … Continue reading “Hathor relaunch and White Moth centenary celebrations on The Broads”

Widely admired Norfolk wherry yacht Hathor relaunched

Norfolk wherry yacht Hathor was relaunched this week following her hull restoration and is now to undergo work on her interior and everything outside from her sheeline upwards, including her stunning Egyptian-themed inlaid woodwork. These photos are by John Parker (see the news and photogallery here) and appear here with Wherry Yacht Charter’s permission. For … Continue reading “Widely admired Norfolk wherry yacht Hathor relaunched”

Photos of Hathor under sail

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Hathor sailing on the River Ant, on the Norfolk Broads Kind HBBR member Ian Ruston has sent in some shots proving that Egyptian-style wherry yacht Hathor is indeed still sailing the Norfolk Broads. Just look at that magnificent sail – it must be an awesome sight if you see her coming your way … Continue reading “Photos of Hathor under sail”