Paul Gartside’s 29ft pilot cutter built in Turkey

Pilot cutter being built by Cem Gür in Turkey Cem Gür and colleagues at Classic Boat Turkiye continue to be busy – now they’re concentrating their efforts on this 29ft pilot cutter designed by Paul Gartside. Cem has also promised us some sailing photos of the Thomas Gillmer-designed Blue Moons we have posted about recently … Continue reading “Paul Gartside’s 29ft pilot cutter built in Turkey”

Turkish Blue Moon launch photos

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] The first of the two Blue Moons built by Cem Gur and colleagues in Turkey is launched. This one is going to an owner in Greece. Designed by Thomas Gillmer, the Blue Moon is such an attractive boat that even my kids are oohing and aahing over the pictures! For more Blue Moon … Continue reading “Turkish Blue Moon launch photos”

Some more photos of a Blue Moon being built in Turkey

[ad name=”intheboatshed-post”] Newly built Blue Moon at Cem Gur’s boatyard in Turkey. As usual, click on the images for an enlarged photograph Fans of Thomas Gillmer’s Blue Moon design based on the traditional Falmouth quay punt will be pleased the boat is being built again, in Turkey. See the builder’s website at . For … Continue reading “Some more photos of a Blue Moon being built in Turkey”