Does anyone know the story of Falmouth Quay punt Venti?

Archie Mackenzie-Baldursson has written to say that he and his his friend Andrew Greatrix have acquired the Falmouth quay punt Falmouth Venti and are very much looking forward to the restoration project that lies a restoration project that they are very much looking forward to doing. Her hull is 24′ in length and as well … Continue reading “Does anyone know the story of Falmouth Quay punt Venti?”

Falmouth Quay punt Teal is being repaired and prepared for sale

Adrian Nowotynski has been in touch to share a link to his YouTube channel, which is bringing the story of the 1914 Falmouth Quay punt Teal back up to date, along with some more repairs that are now needed. Here’s what he says: ‘It’s been ten years now since we bought her and seven since … Continue reading “Falmouth Quay punt Teal is being repaired and prepared for sale”

Restored Falmouth Quay punt Teal is sailing again!

Don’t you wish she was yours? Adrian Nowotynski has written to report on the progress of the century-old Falmouth Quay punt Teal, which is now back in the water and sailing again following her restoration of the boat at Hegarty’s Boatyard near Cork. The fabulous photos were taken by Tim Cooke, who writes the weblog … Continue reading “Restored Falmouth Quay punt Teal is sailing again!”