Howard Rice, off down the Straits of Magellan in a 12ft boat…

Hmmm… Howard Rice is about to sail an 11ft 11in Scamp sailing boat south through the Strait of Magellan from Punta Arenas down to the remote Southwest Islands of Tierra del Fuego… He’s supposed to be setting off today. Great, good luck to him! I hope he won’t mind my borrowing some of his photos of the … Continue reading “Howard Rice, off down the Straits of Magellan in a 12ft boat…”

A tale of two Ella skiffs, part 2

Kostas Dourdounas (from the photos I imagine he’s in Greece or nearby) departed from the Ella skiff drawings in several ways. Instead of building the half-decked sailing dinghy that I drew on the Ella hull, he stiffened the rowing version of the boat and included extra built in buouyancy – and seems to have constructed … Continue reading “A tale of two Ella skiffs, part 2”

A tale of two Ella skiffs part 1: in Finland, Klaus Överlund builds a sailing Ella as drawn

Klaus Överlund built the sailing Ella skiff as drawn in the space of a month or so, and has sent over a report of his first outing. I’m delighted that the boat worked without hitches – he must have had everything very well worked out, and that he didn’t capsize despite strong winds. Clearly he has the … Continue reading “A tale of two Ella skiffs part 1: in Finland, Klaus Överlund builds a sailing Ella as drawn”