Some good news about the lovely bawley Thistle RR2

Here’s some great, encouraging news from Faversham’s Lena Reekie, a traditional boat enthusiast well known for organising various local boating events: ‘She is 130 years – a sad looking but beautiful lady. Thistle RR2 is the last of the Rochester bawleys, built by Gill in 1887. ‘She has a 34ft keel, 13ft beam and 5ft … Continue reading “Some good news about the lovely bawley Thistle RR2”

The bawley Emma

Vic Maynard and his lovingly rebuilt bawley Emma in 2009/10. He told me her story over a pint at The Shipwright’s Arms at Hollowshore over the weeked. She was originally built in in clinker 1845 by Thomas Bundock at Leigh on Sea, probably for the purposes of cockling and shrimping, like other bawleys. Vic says she was not … Continue reading “The bawley Emma”

A new mast for the bawley Fiddle

Over at boatbuilder Mark Rolt’s yard in Bristol, the bawley Fiddle of Faversham, is in for repair and has got a new mast – the photo below shows why! The boat in the background isn’t Fiddle, btw – see her here.